Button #6

Component Structure

  • BTN6 (Div): This is the main container for the button, applying foundational styles through the class btn6__component. It sets the stage for the button's overall appearance and behavior.

  • BTN6 BUTTON (Div): This clickable button element is structured with an <a> tag for navigation or action. Styled with the btn6__button class, it specifies the button's visual appearance, including padding, border-radius, and positioning.

  • BTN6 BG (Div): Serves as a background layer for the button, utilizing the class btn6__bg to apply absolute positioning and a full-width and height background with rounded corners.

  • BTN6 CONTENT (Div): Contains the button's textual and decorative elements, centrally arranged. The class btn6__content ensures these elements are displayed flexibly and centered.

  • BTN6 TEXT (Text-Basic): Displays the button text, "Gradient Button," with typography defined by the class btn6__text.

  • BTN6 CIRCLE (Div): A decorative circular element within the button, positioned to the right. Styled with the btn6__circle class, it's designed with specific dimensions, color, and positioning.

  • BTN6 ARROW (Image): Arrow images inside the button, enhancing its interactive appeal. These are styled with the btn6__arrow class, positioning them accurately within the circular element.

  • BTN6 GRADIENT (Div): A visually striking gradient background for the button, created with the btn6__gradient class to produce dynamic color transitions.

Animation Structure

Timeline: BTN6 - HOVER

  • Enhances the button's hover state with various animations targeting the btn6__button, btn6__circle, btn6__text, and btn6__gradient classes, adjusting their sizes, positions, and visibility to create engaging effects upon interaction.

Timeline: BTN6 - GRADIENT

  • Focuses on the btn6__gradient class for a continuous, captivating background movement within the button, making it stand out and inviting user interaction.

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